Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter - Birthday

Riley was the cutest Easter bunny....

We celebrated Riley's birthday on Easter day since we already had all of our family in town.  She was underwhelmed with her cake, but was very excited about the vanilla ice cream.  The weather turned out to be pretty good, so we were able to go outside to try out her new toys -- a red wagon and tricycle.  Her baby also had to come out and go for a ride.  Riley also got a couple of cool books and a game from her friend Elise.  Uncle B and Aunt Wendy sent a sand table for outside and a rocking princess carriage for play inside.  G&G Wolff, G&G Malone, Uncle Jordan and GG Farm were all there to help us celebrate. Riley had a very big weekend, so we took a nice bath and went to bed.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

 Riley went on her first egg hunt.  The New Albany Springfest was today and the weather actually cooperated!  We thought we would be rained out, but the sun was shining and it was a mild 67.  The egg hunt included 10,000 eggs with the little kids going first so they didn't get trampled.  At first Riley wasn't sure about participating because there were so many kids, but after picking up one or two eggs, she really go the hang of it.  The eggs were filled with candy or other small treasures -- all of which are choking hazards for our little munchkin, but the activity was fun.  After collecting the eggs we went down the playground slide a few times.  We also got to pet the police horse, saw a parrot from the Columbus Zoo, "rode" a real school bus and checked out a real fire truck.  It was a very eventful morning.

First "official" haircut

Today Riley went to mommy's hairdresser for her first official haircut. Mommy cut Riley's hair in December, but this was professional. Riley did AWESOME at the hairdresser. She sat in the chair like a big girl and watched her movie that we brought. Isn't her cape adorable? After we were done, Riley even helped Christine clean up by sweeping up the hair clumps. There wasn't much to sweep, but Riley wanted to make sure she was a good customer.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Riley turns 23 months!

 Riley turned 23 months today.  She celebrated by cruising around the house in her sunglasses looking for sunshine.  Then, the grey weather passed and we were able to go outside!  We went to the neighborhood playground to slide down the slides. She was so happy to be playing outside, even though it was very breezy.  This is Riley's last month as a one year old.