Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First day of school

Maternity leave is over and Kellen is starting daycare.  It is hard to believe that our time at home is over and that I have to go back to the real world.  We had a great time hanging out at home and visiting with other new babies -- potential future wife?  Never know.  He has had a great first week at school - hopefully making a smooth transition.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Build A Brutus

Riley went to Build-A-Bear with Grammy and Mommy to stuff her OSU Brutus shell that Grammy bought for Riley.  She had fun stuffing the Brutus and bringing him to "life" with the heart ritual.  Kellen contributed to the day by sleeping quietly in his chair.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kellen 2 months

Kellen is 2 months old!  Our little guy has grown leaps and bounds over the past couple of months - he weighed in at 13.3 lbs at the doctor...goodbye 0-3 month clothes!  We can't believe how big our little guy is getting.  We have been working on Kellen's "tummy time" to strengthen his neck.  Kellen also smiled for us and at himself in the mirror.  Only a couple more weeks before my leave is over and we will be back to real life.  We are looking forward to charting Kellen's accomplishments over the next month and enjoying the holiday season with our new addition.