Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Riley helped me bake cookies on New Year's Eve.  They were quite tasty.  She is such a good baker!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family!  We are so blessed this Christmas.  This is a good time to remember how lucky we are to have two healthy kids, jobs and a roof over our heads.  We are truly grateful.  Kellen Claus says "ho ho ho"!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kellen 3 months

Today turned 3 months old today.  He is getting bigger by the day and we are enjoying every minute.  This month he worked on this neck strength and we have been doing lots of tummy time.  He is smiling more all the time and it couldn't be cuter!  His grip is also getting much stronger.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Today we had breakfast with Santa and 50 of our closest friends at the Columbus Zoo.  It was awesome!  Riley's friend - Sophie - and her mom joined us as well, which made it even better.  This morning when I told Riley what we were doing, I think she was more excited about going to the zoo with Sophie then she was to see Santa.  Now, this is the first year we have been to see Santa so Andrew and I were very apprehensive about how Riley would do sitting on a stranger's lap - even if that stranger is going to bring her presents.  Well, she did great!  We had breakfast and while we were eating the zoo animals made an appearance (of course, we are at the zoo!).  After that, Santa came in and we waited in line to see him, while we waited we were entertained by a juggler.  Riley and Kellen sat with Santa and took some cute pictures.  Then, Riley decorated a cookie and proceeded to eat the entire thing.  We worked off our sugar buzz by going to the aquarium for a little bit.  The weather was great, 50 degrees, and there weren't many people at the zoo so it was like we had the whole place to ourselves.  Definitely a great way to spend a morning.