Saturday, September 17, 2011
New Addition to the Family
On September 8 we welcomed the new addition to our family....a healthy baby boy - Kellen. He arrived 10 days early, weighing in at 7lbs and 3.5 ozs. He is so adorable and has so much dark hair compared to Riley, our fair-haired beauty. Riley is proud to be a big sister and is doing great "helping" with the baby stuff. I think Riley has aged a year since bringing home this tiny person! Kellen is adjusting to life on the outside. He is different from baby Riley - he has a little "squeak" and is a very noisy sleeper. His arms are very strong and he likes to work himself loose from the tightest swaddle. A determination of who he looks like is still up for debate - not as cut and dry as when Riley was born. We are finally getting some use out of the newborn sized clothes that were Riley's -- as she was 9lbs when she was born, so never had the opportunity to wear them. Andrew's favorite is the pink sleeper with strawberries!