Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh no! 6-0

This weekend my mom turned 60 and we celebrated by getting the whole family together.  This is quite a feat for us -- two brothers came from California and one from St. Louis.  Jordan didn't travel far and I came from Columbus with my family.  Traveling with a one month old and a two year old requires a lot of packing....I felt like a traveling nomad.  It was awesome to have all of the kids together, and their significant others.  We don't get to be together very much so this was a treat.  Kellen and Riley were the  hit of the weekend!  We had a party on Saturday night at Baker's house and Riley told me that she wanted to get her party on.  Well, that she did - she had a lot of fun with the uncles and their girlfriends.  Can't wait until the next family gathering.