Sunday, July 8, 2012
K 10 months
K had a fun month! He can crawl really fast and has started to cruise the furniture with great skill. In the past few days, he is even starting to let go and try to balance on his own. I'm sure he will be walking before we know it. We spent some time with the grandparents, and made some new friends at the park. We discovered that K really enjoys the water - starting off in the baby pools and even spending some time in a big pool. I think he will be our little fish. He is making small steps in the "solid food" department, but we will continue to work on this skill. He still loves to eat shoes and is obsessed with anything that he is not supposed to play with. Unfortunately, the little man has spent more time in his pack-in-play then we would like, due to all of the unforeseen traveling, but he has done very well adjusting to each new setting. K is a happy little guy and likes to make lots of noises to make sure everyone remembers he is there. Oh yeah, he also sprouted another tooth!