Saturday, September 28, 2013

OSU vs. Wisconsin

Andy and Lindsday vacationed in the midwest this week.  After getting engaged in St. Louis, they came to Cleveland and then Columbus.  Dad scored 6 tickets to the Wisconsin game.  it was a night game so we went down in the afternoon to walk around the campus.  it was a beautiful day!  we went to a tailgate and then the game.  great to see my brother!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

apple picking 2013

it is apple picking time again!  we headed out to Lynd's for our annual visit.  we visited the general store to stock up on apple related products, then headed out to pick our apples.  we picked jonathan's and courtland's.  the kids had a great time pulling apples off of the trees and dad even acted as a very good step ladder.  both kids thought it was fun to eat apples right off of the tree.  i can't wait to make a delicious apple dessert with our bounty.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

gooooo bucks!

After cheering on the buckeyes to a landslide victory - we took the kids to the zoo for some fresh air.  It was such a rainy morning that it felt good to get outside, but since we typically visit the zoo in the morning we didn't realize that it closed at 5pm.  Oh well, we got to ride few rides - the swing ride is R's favorite. K got to ride the elephant ride a couple of times (the only thing he was tall enough to ride).  then we went to BW-3's for dinner.  after dinner we went to the playground near the ice cream shop - good times for parents and kids alike.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

delaware county fair

We could not let the summer draw to a close without taking the kids to a county fair.  it was a beautiful sunday morning, we decided to head up to the Delaware County fair for the morning.  It was really fun.  The kids had such a great time visiting with the animals in a low key way.  Many of them were being groomed or fed or milked!  R and I got to see a goat in the middle of milking and the guy even offered to let R try, but she wouldn't do it.  All of the animal owners were very friendly and encouraged the kids to touch and interact with the animals.  there was even a dog show in progress while we were there.  We saw many tractors, which K was very excited about but the seats were all wet from the morning dew.  We didn't get to enjoy any "fair food" as most of the carts were still closed.   But we did stop at Tim Horton's and have a donut snack.  On the way home, we stopped at Highbanks metropark and played on the playground - it is very cute, K is starting to recognize the "paygound" so he was very excited.  After nap we watch a movie and just relaxed.  A fun second birthday weekend for K.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

toy story party day

We had a great birthday party with the family today.  Buzz and Woody were present and accounted for - even made an appearance on K's cake!  the guest list included Grandma, Pop Pop, G Howie, Grammy, Great Grandma Farm, Unc-B and A Wendy, Uncle Jordan and Mike.  As always, K loved to see the grand-dads.  K was his charming self, and had a wonderful time at his party.  He was VERY anxious to open presents and wanted his cake and ice cream.  it was very cute.  gifts included a benny the bull (riding toy), OSU buckeye jersey, bilibo seat, hook's ship with figures, and a dump truck.  also, lots of new books and Cubby.  the weather was perfect.  R was able to talk all of the grandparents into taking her on a walk after nap time.  we had pulled pork (good job daddy) and side dishes - everyone pitched in.  K was very good at opening all of his gifts - can't wait to see him at christmas!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

birthday boy turns 2

Mr. K turned 2 years old today.  Really hard to believe my baby has gotten so big!  He is so adorable and fun, I do love these years.  For his birthday weekend, we went to the zoo and had birthday cupcakes.  the full family party will be next weekend.  the weekend weather was very warm.  that didn't stop us from going to see some animals and lunching at city BBQ.  K likes to say "i do it" and is very particular about things like making sure doors, cabinets are closed and his pants are spot free (pretty hard for a toddler).  For his birthday, R gave him a mickey mouse construction truck and we gave him a buckeye shirt and toy story 3.  next weekend....more presents and buzz lightyear!

Monday, September 2, 2013

rochester road trip

Aunt Wendy and Uncle B are back in the states and we finally went to was a pretty long road trip for a short visit.  but it was well worth it.  Saturday morning we got up early and arrived around lunch.  we ate outside (per R's request).  After a quick nap, we went to the most awesome children's museum ever.  it was like COSI and a children's museum combined.  we started on sesame street and then went to an arcade, fairyland, superhero central - etc.  super fun!  On sunday we started with breakfast outside and then Abe Lincoln park, which had a real log cabin and lots of logs to practice our balancing and climbing skills.  For lunch we went to Sticky Lips - delicious BBQ.  Then we went for ice cream and a walk on the pier after nap.  Lake Ontario was very breezy.  We walked out to the light house to watch the boats.  Sunday morning we spent a relaxing morning at home and then hit the road. both kids did so great and it was wonderful to visit family.  we are glad to be home!