Saturday, September 14, 2013

toy story party day

We had a great birthday party with the family today.  Buzz and Woody were present and accounted for - even made an appearance on K's cake!  the guest list included Grandma, Pop Pop, G Howie, Grammy, Great Grandma Farm, Unc-B and A Wendy, Uncle Jordan and Mike.  As always, K loved to see the grand-dads.  K was his charming self, and had a wonderful time at his party.  He was VERY anxious to open presents and wanted his cake and ice cream.  it was very cute.  gifts included a benny the bull (riding toy), OSU buckeye jersey, bilibo seat, hook's ship with figures, and a dump truck.  also, lots of new books and Cubby.  the weather was perfect.  R was able to talk all of the grandparents into taking her on a walk after nap time.  we had pulled pork (good job daddy) and side dishes - everyone pitched in.  K was very good at opening all of his gifts - can't wait to see him at christmas!